The Maine Attraction

As my out of office message alerted you, last week we were up in Vacationland, also known as Heaven, or as some of you may call it, Maine. Some of you may know, my family has a little cottage just south of Portland that has been in our family since the late 1800’s (and hasn’t been touched much since the 1960’s). It’s a totally special place to us, but like anywhere, it’s not for everyone. But it’s definitely for us.  This year, since my parents were in residence, so to speak, we decided to rent a cottage so we could be there at the same time.

We headed up on Saturday morning, and even though we hit some traffic, it was probably a good thing:

Love how he pulled the hat over his face for his little morning siesta. And then there are the toys- Thomas and the Red Truck. And let us not forget “Big Dog” from IKEA. Do any of your kids do this? Colin has to be holding onto something in both hands OR ELSE!  He goes to bed with no fewer than five or six small toys. And before you lecture me on choking hazards, he loves his cars too much to eat them. He’d eat you first for taking away his cars.

Luckily enough, we also had our best friends from DC join us this year for part of the week. They found the beach just as charming and relaxing as we do, and were awesome house guests to have for the first part of our vacation. My parents helped to welcome them Saturday evening with a proper Maine dinner: Lobsters and Steamers with fresh steamed corn and buttermilk biscuits. Thanks Mom and Dad!  Kase and I did the best we could in the remaining days introducing them to the many fabulous aspects of the beach as well as the surrounding areas, without playing tour guide too much. We definitely hit up the necessities though:

Haylen and I went outlet shopping up in Freeport. Note to self: Hit up J. Crew last. Otherwise, you have spent your shopping budget before you even get anywhere else. Or really, you just feel guilty the rest of the time as you continue to spend money. Maybe that’s just me?

We hit up Linda Bean’s for lunch after our shopping spree. If you’ve never been, do yourself a favor: Order the BOWL of clam chowder. The cup is just that: a liquid measuring cup. Sadsies. It was so delicious. I wanted more. Much more. Like a vat full. There is a reason it has won awards.

We headed home and found this, which was the scene most days:

Colin loved the rental. Lots of places to play cars. Yes, we brought them all. (Thanks to Caroline for gifting Colin the awesome Matchbox Car carrying case- so easy to pack!) He was happy as a clam the whole week long playing cars. I don’t even think we lost any. That we know of.

Colin’s other favorite activity? Looking out at cars. Real ones:

Don’t get it twisted though. Haylen and I weren’t the only ones living it up. Oh no. When we got home from shopping, the boys took off, Road-Runner style. I am pretty sure they left a little cloud of dust in their wake. If not at the cottage, then definitely at this place:

Don’t you think of indoor go-karting, complete with racing suits, when you think of Maine? Duh. Looking good, boys. Looking real good.

Like the awesome tour guides we are, we had to hit up The Lobster Shack to eat lots of fried food. Purely selfless. Let me note: Kase took Justin ALONE after go-karting. They left us ladies home alone to just DIE  from hunger while they stuffed their gullets with Lobster Rolls. We are still working out that betrayal with our therapist. But the very next day, I took Haylen and Justin back. Yeah. Without Kase. HA! Take that! Anyway, if you are looking for a lobster roll, this is the place. If you like fried shrimp (or really, any fried seafood at all) this is the best fried shrimp in all of Maine. Seriously. I’ve done the exhaustive research. Like Linda Bean’s. Just no. Good effort though, Linda.

One small note: After my second trip that week to the Lobster Shack, I was concerned that they may have fried my shrimp in rohypnol. I am pretty sure I was date rape drugged. I fell asleep in the car on the way home. Thank goodness my father was driving us. It was still delicious though. LOVED IT.

Haylen and Justin took off on Tuesday evening, and we spent the rest of our time at the cottage visiting with my parents and watching the Olympics. Because we are patriotic like that. And male swimmers are nice to look at.

On our last day, my mom and I headed to the Beach Craft Fair, which I hit up last year. I scored a sweet hand painted sign for Colin’s big boy room. Oh yeah. And I changed my mind about his room decor. Again. More on that later. But this is going to look sweet:

It was a great week. Lucky me, I am going back on Thursday to spend the weekend with “Pa pa” and “Grandma” while Kase heads to DC for a bachelor party. We are both happy with our respective plans. 😉

I was the girl in Nantucket.

And it was fabulous. I really loved it. Well, I loved it from the moment we stepped off the ferry. The ferry ride itself? Let’s just say Colin was notorious on the island that week. We were literally stopped at the grocery store by a kind gentleman who thought it would be funny to comment “Well! Isn’t it nice to see you not crying for once!” Yup, we were those people. But Colin loved Nantucket. We just had to get there first.

On our first full day, Sunday, Kase let me loose on the town while he and Colin napped. It. Was. Heaven. I browsed at a leisurely pace. I didn’t once say “Shhh, almost done!”  and I didn’t have to bribe anyone. But I did reward myself. Cuz I’m awesome and I behaved really well.

We took our time exploring the island and eventually even found some beaches! Not at all what we are used to, but I loved how private and secluded they were.

Even the sea shells were picture perfect:

On Tuesday, my husband turned 33. He’s way old. I would even venture to say “middle aged” 😉 I brought home some DowneyFlake donuts and later we visited Bartlett’s Farm, where I got us some blueberry pie. My man’s favorites. Both were darn tasty.

After breakfast, we headed into town so I could attend a book signing by Elin Hilderbrand. Have you ever read any of her books? I have to admit, I had seen her books, but had never read them. Turns out, they all take place in Nantucket, since that is where the author lives. I had already read one book by the time Tuesday rolled around. Good beach reading. In other news, I’m pale.

Speaking of beaches, we headed to Children’s beach that day. It’s a sweet little spot of sand right on the boat basin, and has a great park behind it with a band shell and playground. Colin loved it. He really loved running through puddles on the sidewalk. We don’t have those here. Have to take advantage of those sidewalk puddles when we can. Lord.

Monomoy Beach:

Overall, it was just a great week away and just what all three of us needed. Now the countdown begins to our last vacation in August up in Maine. Yup, we’re lucky ducks!

Have you ever been to Nantucket? Didja just love it?

There once was a girl who went to Nantucket.

Dudes. It’s happening. My lifelong dream of renting a house on Nantucket Island is happening!  My son and husband will wear Nantucket Reds and I will wear white jeans and a shirt with the collar popped. And insist on people calling me Bunny. Don’t tell me not to. It’s happening.

We decided kind of last minute to rent a house on Nantucket for the end of June. That’s the house above. Please don’t stalk me on vacation. Or do. But at least buy me dinner.

Oh man. I’m stoked. My favorite kind of vacation is one where there is not a ton to do, a lot of awesome places to eat, a town to walk around and a deck to relax on.

So here’s where you come in. Where do we go? What do we see? What to do? Most importantly, where should we eat and what do I shove down my gullet morning noon and night?

We’re renting some bikes. I assume we don’t need to rent a car, but would you suggest one? Also, for those of you with toddlers, do you recommend a bike seat or one of those bike wagon things where they lounge in a tent? And what is the weight requirement? Could we rent one for me?

Now, I must go and unearth my preppiest clothes. And find some adult male Nantucket Reds. Vineyard Vines, here I come!

Scenes from our [Holy Christmas] weekend.

The weekend was a complete blast. I had such a great time hanging out with my friends and despite the fact that the weather didn’t cooperate for us to take full advantage of the grounds (600 acres!!), we were still able to drink enough to last most groups a week or two. And isn’t that what getting together with friends is all about?

The Castle, or “Mystery Manor”

The Castle was insane. There were 14 of us altogether and we all had comfortable accommodations. I especially loved the suits of armor placed here and there, it leant the castle much needed authenticity. If there are no suits of armor, you can’t call yourself a castle. In my opinion.

The first night, Kase and I were in charge of dinner and served up a taco bar. I got these handy burger baskets, similar to these, at Target. I lined them each with some parchment paper and they were perfect for holding tacos. Easy clean up, too, so if you are ever hosting a large group, it’s a solution that’s a bit cuter than your standard paper plate.  I’ve never cooked for 14 people without it involving a crock pot, but luckily my friends all helped to chip in. We ate together in the dining room and then headed outside to enjoy the evening. And some alcohol.

The next morning, we ate a delicious breakfast together and then got our craft on. The First Annual Crusader Games required team attire, after all. Then it was time for the games: Balloon Toss, Marshmallow Hat Catch, Beer Can Relay, and Barrel Roll. Unfortunately, I don’t have pics of the barrel roll, but just imagine a bunch of  competitive and drunk people barrel rolling down a huge hill in the pouring rain, chugging a beer and then running back up the hill and tagging their partner to complete the relay. There’s video, but it may be blackmail material if any of us decides to run for president one day.

First Annual Crusader Games. May the odds be ever in your favor. (My team lost)

We relaxed before getting ready for Murder Mystery. Let me tell you something about my friends. They’re mine, and you can’t have them. For reals, I didn’t even need to bring props, because they all brought it. BROUGHT IT. Over the top. I loved it.

Welcome to Mystery Manor!

Not to ruin the surprise or anything, but the chauffeur did it. With a gun. In the parlor.

There was a moment where I was shoved and called a whore by my “sister” because my character was apparently impregnated by the chauffeur (who at that point, was not fingered as the murderer). This came as a surprise to me, because my character description told me nothing of the sort. But I played along since maybe I didn’t have the same information someone else did. Then we found out that Kase just thought he heard me say to someone else that I was pregnant and started telling people, all willy nilly like. And that started off a whole series of events that weren’t actually part of the script. Nor were they relevant to the murder. It may have thrown some people off the trail. Four people still solved the murder though. I think the alcohol made us smarter. It definitely made us bad actors.

It was really such a great weekend, and I’m reminded of the wonderful friends I am lucky to have. Can’t wait for next year.

The Maine Attraction

In our house, we know it’s spring when we start taking day trips. There’s nothing like hopping in the car right before nap time and taking a two hour trip up the coast to Maine, so that’s what we did. We originally just planned to head to Portland to grab something to eat and walk around, but then we remembered the Children’s Museum, and decided to grab a bite on the way and make the museum our ultimate destination.

But first, we ate.

We headed to one of our favorite restaurants near the cottage- The Good Table. It’s a family run restaurant and very kid friendly, plus the food is really very good. Unless you mistakenly eat a crayon when you mean to eat a sweet potato fry. That’s on you.

After lunch we hopped back in the car for another 10 minutes to Portland. Found the museum right away. And the despot was off. Right off the lobby there is a room called “Having a ball” We were there for approximately 30 minutes. Which is the equivalent of 7 days in toddler years.

And even though Colin was enjoying himself, mom and dad paid $27 to enjoy the entire museum. So naturally we grabbed him and forced him upstairs. All he had to do was spot the fire engine and he was off again. Tractors, space engines, groceries, water play streams, Colin was all over it.

The cool thing about this museum (and to be fair, I haven’t been to any others since I was a child myself) is that most “stations” are sponsored by a local company or national company based in Maine. So there was the Oakhurst Farm, where you could milk a cow or play on a tractor, and a stream and climbing mountain sponsored by LL Bean, complete with LL Bean rain coats to protect the kids from getting too wet. Oh, those advertising wizards. They get me every time. I immediately turned to Kase and asked if he wanted to drive to Freeport to go to LL Bean and drink a delicious milk-based beverage. Which he did. Minus the milk-based beverage.

So we did. Walking around LL Bean is still fun for the kiddos because they have all these fish tanks and ponds and taxidermied wildlife scattered about. Oh and shotguns and crossbows right near the family bathroom. Good times. I think it was the first store we have gone into recently where Colin didn’t immediately start yelling “BYE! BYE!” as a subtly request to leave. Mostly because he was lunging for the crossbows.

After we picked out an adorable jacket for Colin, I tried my hardest to continue to shop around Freeport with the two Jubboori men. We even hit up CrewCuts by J. Crew, but all I got was a stupid dinosaur. I agree, it’s a crime.

I still say any day in Maine is a good day. But then Colin gave me the greatest gift of all and passed out upon getting back into the car. Two naps in one day! I am tempted to pay $27 every weekend in order to make that happen again.

It’s Friday and we’re NJ bound….


Oh yeah, Christmas III with the Hannans!  Toddler mayhem to ensue. Colin has yet to celebrate a Christmas with children his own age. I am positive there won’t be a single tantrum. I know how much my despot loves to share. Oh hell. WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS?

We’ll be taking Sunday to see Anything Goes in the city. Any favorite things you love to do when in NYC?  We used to live there, so we tend to hit up the same spots.  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Weekend, everyone!

Fat Tuesday [No Guilt, No Bake Key Lime Pie]

So wanna hear something fun?  When we were in Costa Rica, we took a tropical cooking course one day. This in itself is pretty fun. But wait, there’s more!

It started with an email exchange between our surf instructor Benny and me. Benny is amazing. Seriously, there are no words. I had a good feeling about her through our emails, but then I met her.  Picture this: Gorgeous blond from Texas running her own surf instruction company with her Aussie husband in one of the most picturesque places you could imagine. And yes, I was more than happy to have my husband paddle out after her and spend two hours with her a day. She’s that great. And she gets to surf everyday. And she makes money doing it. Now ask yourself, “What Am I Doing Wrong?” . You’ll sound just like Kase and me, since that was basically our refrain every morning when Benny would come and pick us up at our hotel. Anyway, Benny is just as sweet as she is cool, and I may want her to be my new best friend. That’s just between us though, okay? Keep it on the DL.

Anyway, back to the email exchange. On the Costa Rica Surf & SUP webpage, you can take a survey and check off all the types of activities you would like to do. So I clicked on “Cooking Lessons”, cuz really, why the hell not? I like to cook. I’m decent at it. Let’s do this thing.  So on our last day in Santa Teresa, Benny hooked us up with a friend of hers who offers private cooking lessons in her home. Benny knows just about everyone in Santa Teresa, so we weren’t surprised she personally knew someone who offered classes. And hey, we had been surfing all morning, so we was HOONGRAYYY!

We showed up at a small house to meet our instructor and walked into this beautiful open air, modern home.  Then we met Jo. She’s amazing. Wanna meet Jo? Say hello:

Hi, Jo!

The backstory is Jo is from Canada. So, yeah. The polar opposite of Costa Rica. In Canada, she ran her own catering company. However, after years of visiting Costa Rica, each time staying longer and longer, she and her hubs finally bit the bullet and moved down to Santa Teresa and built their home. Jo started her own company, “The Healing Cuisine” and offers services such as cleanses, raw food cooking demonstrations, and tropical cooking classes for the rest of us. All while living in Costa Rica. Repitame por favor: “What the F am I doing wrong?!”

So we met Jo, took our seats at the amazing concrete/stone island in the middle of the room and Jo whipped up some smoothies, which we slurped down Bart Simpson style. They were yummy deliciousness. And we got to talking to Jo and her husband, Kevin. She asked how our  surfing lessons were going, and I, being the name dropper I am was all, “Oh we surfed in front of Giselle Bundchen’s house” because simply surfing in front of someone’s property is almost like knowing them personally, right? And Jo’s husband Kevin was all, “Oh yeah. Giselle built that property after she was surfing on the beach one day- she said she could just see it and so she had to build it”. And I was all, “Oh did you read that in Us Weekly?” and he was all, “Umm, no. Jo is her and Tom’s personal chef”.  You know, Tom. As in Tom Brady.

Ummm, riiiiiight. There is nothing this gossip monger loves more than association with celebrities!  It’s like I was eating with Giselle! Except for Giselle was a man, and bore a striking resemblance to my husband. Damn. Anyway, if you are ever playing 7 degrees of Giselle Bundchen, you can use me. I don’t mind.

What I will tell you is that I ate more like Tom Brady than Giselle that day. Let’s see, we started with smoothies, then had a delicious salad with hearts of palm, then moved on to a yummy yummy red snapper ceviche, after which we were treated to macadamia nut crusted Mahi Mahi on top of Coconut Rice. And I ATE IT ALL. Didn’t want to offend, you know? Plus, I’m a proud member of the clean plate club since forever.  However, I was worried I hadn’t saved enough room for dessert. My fave dessert that doesn’t involve chocolate: Key Lime Pie.  Oh wait, what am I saying? It’s precisely situations like this that my dessert stomach is for.

So in honor of my lunch (by association) with Giselle and Tom, I would like to share with you their favorite* No Guilt, No Bake Vegan Key Lime Pie Recipe. I would like to mention here that I am a self proclaimed Key Lime Pie aficianado as I spent one week eating my way through Key West so I was a leeeetle skeptical when I saw Jo break out the ingredients.  But trust peeps. It’s good. And Jo said it’s guilt free. So there ya go. Eat like Giselle. No Guilt. 😉

No Guilt, No Bake Key Lime Pie



4  ripe avocados

1/2 cup maple syrup

2/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice

zest of 2 organic limes

large pinch of salt

healthy dash of vanilla


1 cup Macadamia nuts

pinch of salt


Coconut shavings


In a food processor, finally chop nuts until they are the same consistency of a graham cracker crust. The oils in the nuts will bind the crust together.

Separately in food processor, combine avocados, key lime juice, vanilla, maple syrup and salt until well incorporated to a smooth consistency.

Line pie plate with nut mixture, pressing firmly to create a nice even crust. Fill with avocado key lime mixture. Place into refrigerator for 30 minutes to an hour to allow to set.

Garnish with lime slice and optional coconut shavings.

*This statement has not been fact checked and may be completely false. But I doubt it.

Trailer Trash

When I was growing up, my older brothers and sisters liked to joke that I was picked up at a K-Mart as a “Blue Light Special” – which I thought was awesome. I mean K-Mart is rad. It’s where I got my jellies every summer. And my Lee Press-On Nails. It’s also family lore that when I was about 6 years old, I told my parents that when I grew up I was going to drive a Fiero. That, or a Trans-Am. No Beamers for this chickadee. Only fine American-made autos for me, thanks.  And I had a belly button ring at one point as well (though, that was when I was a bit older. Not during the jelly -wearing, Fiero-dreaming years). You can go ahead and say it: I was trashy. And yes, I did grow up in New Jersey. How did you know?

But the point is, ain’t no shame in the trashy game.

I could totally see myself living in a trailer, for example. I’d fix it up real nice-like.  And I will admit, I like the inherent ability to just pick up and move whenever the fancy strikes me. After all, we have moved at least 5 times in as many years. Now, don’t get me wrong, my particular mode of transport would have to be an Airstream. I’m no dummy and appreciate classic style.  But I mean, it’s still living in a trailer.

But I believe you need a special license to drive a trailer, right?  And since I just took my fourth trip to the DMV within a month, I am loathe to return just to grab myself a special C-Class license, or whatever trailers require.  So when I spotted this hotel, I knew I could get down. It combines two things I like- Travel and Trailers.

Do you see what I see? I spy with my little eye……

Dudes, it’s a friggin Rooftop Trailer Park!!! And it’s in Capetown South Africa, at a little hotel known as “The Grand Daddy”.  I’m. In. Love. Sorry, Kase. Move on over. There’s a new Daddy in town. (Gross….)

Check out more of the eye candy:

Yes, I’d like to go to there.

Just a little weekend getaway….

What?  Does that seem like an absurd amount of bags and items to pack for a weekend getaway to the beach? It does? Then I’m glad you haven’t seen the pack n’ play already in the trunk. And the high chair. Can’t forget the high chair. Oh, and did I mention the dog is coming too? Cross your fingers everything fits.  Myself? I’m a tad worried.

Here’s a breakdown (Clockwise, starting at the stroller):

1. Stroller

2. Grocery cart with Depot toys, books, adult board games, and beach blanket.

3. My “diaper” bag.

4. TJ Maxx reusable bag filled with food, both for Colin and for adults.

5. Red roller bag with linens and beach towels.

6. Red roller bag with clothing for all three of us.

(off camera- high chair to be broken down and packed)

Yes, that is correct. Only one bag actually contains clothing. And all three of us can fit into one bag for that. So the rest? It’s Stuff. Lots of Stuff.  Stuff I never took on weekend getaways before.

Remember the good ol’ days of one carry on and out the door for a “getaway”?  I do.  And then I cry. Just kidding. But these days, just getting out the door requires logistical planning of which the marines would be jealous. Which I think negates the whole “getaway” experience.  But don’t get me wrong-  I am really looking forward to the beach in Maine- it won’t be the despot’s first time visiting a beach, but it will be his first time at our family cottage in Maine, and we are looking forward to it. I even bought some beach toys and of course, an adorable swimsuit and rash guard.  Cuteness to ensue.  I love long weekends!

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!

PS- Yes, I do like red. Thanks for asking! 😉

Daytrippin’ [Littleton, NH]

I told you all about my birthday trip on Tuesday, and even though the whole entire trip was like a highlight reel on the evening news, we actually have some souvenirs as well thanks to a little stop in Littleton, NH.

Littleton prides itself as being a “Main Street Community” with independent shops and restaurants. It’s an incredibly friendly town; Pedestrian crossings actually have signs that say Stop, Walk and Wave, meaning, before you cross, look both ways, but feel free to cross whenever you wish- cars stop for you and everyone waves a friendly “Thanks and hello”. It’s kinda amazing. Very Mayberry.

We stopped at a few stores, but because I was just having a good time with Kase, I wasn’t concerned about taking photos for the blog. We enjoyed poking around in the independent  Village Bookstore and enjoyed a tasty lunch at Chang Thai.

Funnily enough, we ran into our wonderful innkeepers, Brian and Leslie, while we were exploring Main Street. They recommended we keep walking down the street to Just L, a vintage furnishings shop that totes itself as “Modern Antiques & Intriguing Items”. My ears definitely perked up upon hearing this tidbit, and I dragged Kase down the street.  And here is what awaited us:

A great selection of mid modern items, from furniture to kitchenware to home decor. Intriguing indeed!  Wanna see some eye candy?

We had a great time talking with Greg, the manager who once worked as the Creative Director at Garnet Hill. Pretty cool, huh?  He has a great eye, and even more importantly, knows his stuff. And he is super-friendly, too.  Which is always nice.

We ended up with a vintage typewriter (above) and a globe that was part of a children’s board game, though Greg has yet to stumble across the actual board game.  It’s pretty fun, though, and works really well in Colin’s room, with the map theme. See?

How cute is that?  Obviously, Colin loves it.

What I noticed most (especially after shopping Magazine Street) is that their collection of items is versatile and quite reasonably priced. I really enjoyed stopping in, and you should stop in too if you are ever in the area. Or “Like” them on Facebook- Just L or MidmodLiving- and check out their stuff. Or even better, make a road trip out of it and visit them yourself!

Just L

35 Main Street

Littleton, NH 03561


Owner: Lance Williamson, or ask for Greg Covell!

North, then East, then South and West

Well, kids. My man wasn’t lying.  We drove North, and then East and then South and back West this weekend to celebrate my fabulous self. Why? ‘Cause I’m worth it! (cue hair toss)

Kase took me to Rabbit Hill Inn in Lower Waterford, Vermont, a great little B&B with great food, ambience and even better innkeepers (Brian and Leslie)!

See that lovely third floor screened in porch? That was off of our room, which was huge in an of itself. Since the weather was a little chilly, we didn’t get to enjoy it as much as we hoped, but how nice is that?

We arrived for dinner on Friday night, which we really enjoyed and then tucked in for a nice uninterrupted night’s sleep. Only a parent can truly understand my excitement at that possibility.  That alone is a gift within itself. Kase could have told me we were staying home and that he was on night duty and it would have been just as sweet to me.

But he took me to Rabbit Hill and I am very glad he did.  Because I’ll be honest. Staying home without night duty would be *sweet* but a girl only turns 30 once. And I’m kind of a big deal.

On Saturday morning, we had a great breakfast at the inn and then hopped back in the car. I was given my second clue, which was this card:

Yeah, exactly. He kept asking me to guess. And I really couldn’t even muster up a bad guess.  We ended up in another state- New Hampshire. He really wasn’t joking about North and then East.  Mountain View Grand Resort and Spa. Ever heard of it? Me neither. But I am officially obsessed and am planning a return visit.  Just look at this place:

Ya see that tower in the middle of the building?  That’s part of their spa. But the MVG is also an awesome place for families. They were doing all sorts of Mother’s Day activities which made me miss the despot, but then he was quickly forgotten as I was led to the spa for my FOUR HANDED MASSAGE.

Hey dirty birds. Get your heads out of the gutter. It was way better than your filthy mind can imagine, anyway. 😉  But for realsies, once you’ve had a four handed massage, you can’t go back to a measly two handed massage. I’m officially ruined.

After my massage, we headed back to the car and that’s right, you guessed it- headed south.  We stopped for lunch and some shopping (more on that tomorrow) in Littleton, NH, which prides itself on being a “Main Street Community” with great independent shops and restaurants.

Plus, there is Chutter’s, which is home to the longest candy counter in the country world. See what I’m talking about?

That's a whole lotta gum.

As you know, I may have a slight addiction to sweets, so mama picked up a couple of Charleston Chews and Tootsie Rolls and was on her merry way.  If you are ever nearby, you should check it out.

Heading further south, my next clue was this card (sorry for the poor quality- taken with my phone):

Now let me just admit something: I truly believe the minute I turned 30, I got dumber.  Substantially dumber.  Like, I lost 20 IQ points overnight.  And these “clues” were not helping me reach my mensa potential. But I’ll give credit where credit is due: he managed to find a card for pretty much everything we did.

Turns out, after an hour of driving, we had come to our destination: GO KARTS. Awww, yeah. Folks, this was a rematch between the hubs and me 5 years in the making. You see, they don’t call me “lead foot Hannan” for nothing. I’ve got skillllllzzzzz.  Mad go karting skills, to be exact. And 5 years ago, in Lake George, I kicked Kase’s butt in Go-Kart racing. And don’t you worry, I schooled that boy again.

After beating his sorry ass in karts, we headed into the nearby town of Conway to hit up some outlet stores (not originally in the plan, but I can always sniff out a nearby outlet) and finally, for my last clue:

You may recall I read this book recently, solely so I could see the movie?  Well, turns out, you don’t get to go out to the movies when you have a kid, unless they come in an envelope in the mail, or you rent them at the supermarket.  So I was very excited that our last stop was to see Water for Elephants.  The book was better (they always are), but I liked it.

We headed home on Sunday morning, and were able to reunite with Colin by 12:30. And what better way to celebrate Mother’s Day?  Lunch at Hooters with my mother in law and 8 month old son, obviously.

I’d call that a weekend to remember.

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?

Do you remember that computer game? I remember playing it in Computer Class. That’s right, kids. Back in my day, computers were new and we needed to learn how to use them in classes at school.  We weren’t born texting and searching the internet. We learned important computer skills by playing games like Carmen San Diego and Oregon Trail.  In high school, we took it one step further, and learned about THE INTERNET. Okay, I am aging myself I suppose.  Which makes sense, since tomorrow?  It’s my birthday!

Yes, I’ve entering my 30th (31st? Whatever, I’m turning 30. Still bad at math.) orbit of this world.  And that’s just Saturday.  Sunday is Mother’s Day. That’s what I like to refer to as “the Jackpot”.

Kase is using this as an opportunity to do something he hasn’t done since ….well, ever. He planned a getaway for us. I always plan our trips. I’m a control freak like that. I like to do lots of research and change plans about three times before settling on a destination. All the while giving him a play-by-play, which usually leaves Kase very confused as to where we are actually going in the end.

So now the question is: Where are we going? I have no idea. All I know is it is three hours away, and when I asked for which direction we were going, he replied “North, then East, then South, then West”.  Helpful. Thanks Honey!

Part of me wonders if he remembers this post on Weekend Getaways?  That would be nice.  Or this one?

I love ever changing harbors!

So let’s play a game.  I like to call it “Where in the world is Kate Hannan?”  Your clues are: “3 hours from Western Massachusetts. Weather report says it will be 60 degrees with 50% chance of rain. North, South, East or West. Relaxing, but with some activities planned Saturday.  Pack jeans and comfy clothes.”

Would you be a pal? Make some guesses for me 🙂

Too bad computer class replaced geography class. I’d probably be better at this.  Although my Carmen San Diego skills would totally come in handy if I were a gumshoe chasing down a criminal visiting Mount Rushmore.  Damn.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!  And Happy Mother’s Day to the most important people on this Earth (but I’m biased).

Daytrippin’ [Kennebunkport, Maine]

The contractors came this past Friday to install our new faux wood blinds and new fixtures around the apartment.  To say this is a much needed update is an understatement, and I am pleased to say they look really great. I am taking this as an opportunity to make a few changes in the living room to spruce things up a bit, but I took Friday as an opportunity to get out of the apartment and take a little road trip with the despot.  Destination: Kennebunkport, Maine!
I love Kennebunkport- my family would make a daytrip every year from our cottage up the coast.  I remember little shops dotting small streets, and was surprised to find it hadn’t changed too much.  The wooden staircase overlooking the harbor where our family took its annual photograph is exactly the same- in fact, I’ll have to head back with Kase this summer to start our own tradition!
There are some new shops in town that caught my eye, and I had a great time passing through the shops and taking in the merchandise!  (Sidenote: sorry for the poor quality of the photos, but it was a bit of an impromptu plan and I only had my phone on me!).
After stopping to buy the despot a Kennebunkport fleece from Too Cool, my first stop was a home decor gallery called Abacus.  A giant metal light up letter caught my eye right away:
I want this “See Maine” poster for myself! And I bet a few Hannans would like it as well.
I also love their custom designed calendars which they sell- aren’t they great? The owner of the store is the artist. Dana Heacock. So graphic and simple and perfect for framing. And so very Maine, which I love the most!
And just a couple of other nice items which caught my eye:
They ship, so if, say, you want your own large light up letter, just visit their site.  (They can also get other letters, if you are in the market.)
My second stop was a shop called Daytrip Society. Uh-Mazing.  Definitely make a point to stop in if you are in town.  Before I get to the goods, just let me say: How great is that name? I absolutely love the store’s moniker which drew me inside. I mean, just check out their storefront:
Take a look at some of the awesome stuff they have:
VW bus woodblock painting. Need I say more?
Stripes!  Nautical themes! Yes!
Silver anchor applique tote bags? Yes and Yes!
I had a great time chatting with Karen, the store manager about the store’s theme.  Since Kennebunkport draws so many daytrippers (who, me?) they decided to create a store that caters to the type of client that the town draws, but focus on eco-friendly travel and luxury as well as vintage items.  It’s a nice mix, and the store is really styled well. And I may have wanted everything in it. Just maybe. Like this, in particular:
They call that a “shuttlecock” for those of you not schooled in the art of Badminton.  That’s right. I put the “Bad” in badminton.
It only got better from there. Karen informed me that Daytrip Society was opening a children’s store around the corner, Daytrip Jr., appropriately enough, and it turns out, they were officially opening at that very moment. Obviously, I had to make my way over, with roadrunner type dust tracks in my wake.
It was like heaven for little people.
Pardon me, is that a bike with a sparkly silver seat hanging from the ceiling? Yes, I do believe it is:
If you are anything like me, you appreciate a good alphabet print:
I picked up and put down these amazing Circus invites about 10 times:
Every year growing up, my father would buy us kites from the little general store at the beach, so when I saw this, I couldn’t help but smile and think of the despot flying one of his own:
And the best of the rest:
And if the merchandise isn’t enough to lure you in (and keep you in- I was there for no less than 45 minutes), they have a toy whale ride for the kids, complete with music that plays.  Awesome.  Colin was really bummed he was too small.
After Daytrip Jr., we stopped into Carrot and Co. upon the recommendation of a fellow shopper. And I’m glad we did! Take a look:
It actually still runs, how great is that?  They had some cute stuff too, perfect for a little cottage in Maine (cough, Mom, cough):
We ended our excursion with something I associate with Maine: FUDGE!
I really loved my little road trip with the despot and can’t wait to go back this summer with Kase.  If you are planning to be in the area, you should definitely stop and take in both the sites and shops! And the fudge. You would be a fool to forget the fudge.

Eye Candy [Magazine Street, NOLA]

Hands down, one of my favorite parts of my trip to New Orleans was {not} window shopping on Magazine Street.  I had an excellent partner in crime- my sister- who luckily enjoys it as much as I do.  And she was sweet enough to indulge my obsession with home decor and children’s stores and stop in each and every store that caught my fancy.  And trust you me: there were a lot. We both did a little bit of damage that day.

First, we came across this tile shop, right on the corner of Magazine and Washington.  Gorgeous tile- just look:

Cararra Penny Tile

Then we came across this gem: Neophobia. How great is that name for a vintage home decor store?  For all my peeps out there who love mid-century modern, this store is worth a little trip to what you might consider your mecca. Take a look -see:

We actually came across this as we were leaving and couldn’t help but ask the owner, “What in the world is this?”:

It’s a plastic bar cart in case you were wondering, complete with removable tray for garnishes, like olives and gherkins, natch. 😉

Also on Magazine, we stopped into Probst Decorating and Interior Design, and couldn’t help but ogle over their custom furniture (lots of nailhead trim!) and gorgeous fabrics.

This one in particular caught my eye and looked familiar!

Our last home decor stop was at Belladonna, whose awning intrigued me: Day Spa and Retail Therapy. Darn right!

And then there were the children’s stores.  I love having a little despot, but after seeing this crib at Pippen Lane, I need both a little girl and then maybe one of the gorgeous homes we passed in the Garden district in which to put this:

Besides the gorgeous clothes, they had a great selection of shoes and toys, as well as christening gowns and wedding attire for the smaller set. Not to mention, their own version of Colin’s bestie, Oscar, the Giraffe:

We also stopped into Storyville Kids, a great little t-shirt store that featured adorable t-shirts and onesies with New Orleans centric themes like Rice and Beans and Beignets. I was too busy rifling through the merchandise to remember to take shots, but here’s a sampling:

So that about wraps up our little morning of shopping.  We needed to burn off the calories from our visit to Sucre, so really, it was for the best that we stopped in every single store that caught our fancy.  I would return to New Orleans just for the shopping on that street alone. Wait, I think I said I would return for the food.  Okay, the food AND the shopping. 😉

The Sweets of New Orleans

I’m back from New Orleans!  And before you ask, last I saw Nicolas Cage, it was 5pm on Friday afternoon and he was just finishing up the last shot of the day in Jackson Square. I couldn’t tell you what happened after that, but if I had to work with the crew of that movie, I would want to tie one on after a long day of work too. 🙂

Yes, we did see Nicolas Cage up close and personal, but it was the food that really shined on our trip to New Orleans.  Sweet and savory, cheap and a little not cheap, we did our duty and ate our way through the town.  Of course, I’ve got a sweet tooth, so I fondly recall the sweets. Here’s a taste for you.


Once we got in from the airport, we quickly changed at the hotel and headed into the French Quarter.  Our first stop was Cafe du Monde.  It’s a tourist must do item, and they did not disappoint.  The atmosphere leaves a little something to be desired, but that could have just been us adjusting to the New Orleans pace.  But once our waitress did come to take our order, we were happy as clams.  Not even Nicolas Cage holding us up could ruin it for us.

They do two things really: Coffee and Beignets.  Since I don’t drink the coffee, I ordered a hot chocolate, and we ordered a double order of beignets.  Oh yes, they were as delicious as you can see in the picture.  Totally worth it.  We timed our little trip to Cafe du Monde perfectly and were able to wait out a nice sunshower while stuffing our faces with fried dough.

The next day, we decided to take the streetcar up St. Charles Avenue to the Garden district, which is known for its gorgeous homes (films like Benjamin Button filmed there, not to mention, it’s where the Real World cast lived while filming there) and great shopping (a post on that later!).  As we were walking, I remembered I had read about a great pastry shop called “Sucre”.  We window shopped and took in the great atmosphere along Magazine Street, and then stopped in to Sucre.

We walked over to the display, bypassing the gelato (as a customer was ordering peanut butter chocolate gelato, no less), and this awaited us. Drool with me:

It was a tough decision, but with some help from our very helpful and lovely server, Sean, we decided on these (yes, plural):

Turtle Petit Cake

Strawberry Petit Cake

Xocolat Petit Cake

We ordered the Turtle petit cake, a strawberry petit cake and a Xocalat petit cake.  Holy hell, they were good.  My own personal favorite was the Turtle cake, but the strawberry was also very good.  The Xocolate would have been amazing at a time later than 11am in the morning.  It was just very rich for that early.  But still: good. Way good.  Still, I couldn’t stop going back to the Turtle. We ordered a few macarons as well, but they were just an afterthought when compared to our petit cakes. But pretty and yummy in my tummy.

And because he was awesome, helpful and friendly, and we loved him, here’s a shot of our server:

That reminds me: one of the things I really loved the most about New Orleans was just how wonderful the people are.  They are extremely friendly and helpful, which sometimes you don’t find when visiting popular tourist towns.  Couldn’t help but enhance our experience.

On Sunday, we hit up the jazz brunch at Arnaud’s.  This is an old New Orleans standard and one you shouldn’t miss.  The atmosphere is just something else: the dining room almost reminded me of scenes from the Titanic- leaded glass windows and tile mosaic floor with dark wood paneling. Just gorgeous.  The jazz trio was just great and traveled throughout the room playing for each table.  But the favorite part of the brunch for this chick? Dessert, duh!  Our server Brendan put on a great show as he prepared our Bananas Foster:

There’s just something special about stuffing your gullet with a special dessert made right before your eyes, tableside. And with fire to boot!  I’ve never had Bananas Foster before, and they were so yummy, especially the brown sugar and cinnamon butter sauce.  Soooo good!

I’ve got a five pound food baby to prove just how much I enjoyed New Orleans, but it’s worth it.  It’s a place I’d return to in a heartbeat. Who’s in?!